This week we're highlighting latest Magento Connect extensions that will help you increase your conversions and simplify your work with product categories on your website. 

Remember that these extensions are raw and have just been added to the marketplace. It's up to you to give them a try and see for yourself, if any of them actually work for your particular store. 

Magento Connect Weekly

Exit Intent Popup

Price: $39.00

This Magento extension allows you to convert visitors that are trying to leave your website and is based on an exit intent technology. The basic premise of the exit intent technology is that visitors will likely convert into customers or leads, if you offer them an incentive right when they want to leave your website. 

The technology is relatively simple - every time someone tries to move their mouse towards the 'Close Window' button or simply off the tab - the action is being registered and prompts a response from the extension, based on the settings that you provide. For example, you can display a popup with  an additional discount for people, who want to leave your website. Or you could at least turn them into potential leads, by showing them a subscription form in exchange for a discount and/or useful materials, like guides and tutorials.  


This extension is compatible with all of your favorite newsletter service providers, like MailChimp, Mandrill, SMTPPro (and their official Magento extensions).

 Easy Management

It offers a simple and detailed selection of settings, which should be understandable for non-tech and marketing personnel.


You can also offer files, instead of discounts and subscriptions, which basically transforms the extension into a very diverse lead generation tool.

But there are certain downsides to this extension. It's not that 'smart' - it sometimes just registers you trying to move your mouse up the screen. That can be really annoying. The price could also be different (lower), given that it's a screen popup technology with some modifications.

Smart Alternative Product Selector

Price: $90.00

This Magento extension allows you to optimize your store management process by introducing an automatic product relation feature, based on the rules that you provide. This allows you to target cross-sells, up-sells and other promotions, based on product relevancy. By default, Magento allows you to cross-reference products manually. This takes hours. Especially, if your product selection is growing very fast and you have hundreds, if not thousands of items in stock. 


Set conditions for product attributes to define their alternatives, based on similar attributes.

Define the exact number of alternative products to be displayed

Display products with specific dynamic price ranges

Pick products from parent categories, instead of the current one

Automate related upsells and cross sells

Shoppable Instagram

Price: $49.99

This Magento extension offers you a unique opportunity to turn your Instagram account into a shoppable destination and connect it directly to your store. This product clones your Instagram feed into a landing page, where each image can directly take users to the depicted item. Why it's better than directly linking to your shop? Because it allows people to go to the product page directly, instead of just taking them to your homepage, where they can be lost in categories and product selections. creates a landing page that mimics your brand and your Instagram in order to create a comfortable experience for your followers. It simplifies the process of product discovery, which in turn increases your conversions and revenue. It also allows you to grow your subscriber base.

Lots of popular brands use this product, so it might be worth checking it out. They have a 14-day free trial period, which offers a great opportunity to actually fiddle with the extension, the product and learn more about its capabilities. 

Did we miss a great extension this week? Share it in the comments below. Have you tested any of the products above? Let us know what you think about them.