MageCloud - Blog posts tagged with reviews MageCloud <![CDATA[ Magento is the Most Popular CMS for eCommerce - guess why? ]]>

You may ask what was the reason for us to start MageCloud and choose Magento as our ecommerce engine. And here is why..

We proud to be part of the community with amazing professionals that well-organized, open and flexible. We are working / talking to many Magento dev teams and there are all awesome.  Did you get that many events / conferences / training with other platforms? Did you hear about Bigcommerce party? or Shopify party? 

ahh.. but anyways read more to explore 10 other reasons.. 

2015-2-24T19:2:39+0200 2015-1-10T17:1:36+0200
<![CDATA[ Product Reviews – Why And How To Use User-Generated Content In Favor Of A Business? ]]>

Can you believe 61-77% online buyers check for reviews before they make any online purchase? It’s enough to explain that product reviews aren’t just meant to adorn a website, but to build business credibility, support conversions, and increase revenue, provided these reviews are voices of the real customers. According to the local consumer review survey 2013, conducted by BrightLocal, positive product reviews made 73% consumers giving high rating to a business. However, 12% consumers didn’t pay any attention to such reviews. Another survey conducted by eMarketer in 2013 revealed that 79% consumers considered product reviews as a trust factor for an online business.

2014-12-22T10:12:19+0200 2014-12-19T16:12:49+0200