MageCloud - Blog posts tagged with import MageCloud <![CDATA[ Customizing Magento 2’s API with Bulk Product Imports ]]>

Guest post by We Are Magneto 

Recently, we had a requirement to integrate a Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) product database into a Magento 2 store. This integration would constantly sync product data between the two systems. For this integration, we would have to find some way of communicating with the external database, receiving the product data, and importing it into Magneto’s own database. Unfortunately Magento 2, like a lot of PHP frameworks, doesn't provide a PDO adapter for communicating with MSSQL directly. An added complication, in this case, was that access to the MSSQL server was protected behind a firewall. 

2018-8-31T10:8:56+0300 2018-8-29T21:8:54+0300
<![CDATA[ Ultimate Magento 2 Import Export Guide ]]>

Guest post by Firebear Studio 

In the following post, you will find an ultimate guide to Magento 2 import and export. We describe various backend processes and tell how to improve them achieving absolutely new functionality. The article is divided into the following sections:

  • Product Export

  • Product Import

  • Tier Price Import

  • Configurable Product Import

  • Product Stock Import/Update

  • Improved Import/Export

2018-1-12T10:1:10+0200 2017-12-6T12:12:47+0200