MageCloud - Blog posts tagged with magentolive MageCloud <![CDATA[ Fill Up Your 2018 Calendar With These Must-Attend Magento Events ]]>

It’s already the beginning of 2018 which means that the eCommerce as is also Magento worlds are filling up with different events. You get the chance to attend Magento Imagine, Magento Lives and a range of Meet Magento and other Magento events organized by different teams in 2018.

With this year teeming with dozens of events to attend throughout the industry, it's takes a lot to keep up what’s going, when and where. To simplify things for you, we’ve settled a list of some key events to be added to your calendar.

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<![CDATA[ MagentoLive France: 2016 Highlights ]]>

First big Magento event of 2016 took place today. MagentoLive France featured a lot of great speakers and a lot of great presentations. We decided to recap this event and share some of the most important bits of information about Magento 2, the Marketplace and other initiatives by Magento, like Magento Masters, which was announced today. We'll update the post, once more info is available.

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<![CDATA[ MagentoLive | Australia Highlights: Magento 2.0 Takes the Stage ]]>

MagentoLive Australia is over. It was a great event with some amazing sessions and speakers. We weren't able to attend, but we tried to follow it as much as possible to get a taste of it.

The event offered some amazing insights about Magento 2.0, eCommerce, store management and other aspects of running an online business. Seeing Magento 2.0 grow stronger and stronger is great. We already have the first globally launched Magento 2.0 store - Venroy. This is absolutely great.

If you didn't make it to the event, just like us - don't worry. We gathered some interesting highlights from this 2-day event.

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<![CDATA[ MagentoLive | Australia: What You'll Be Missing ]]>

This post is designed to draw your attention to one of the fall's biggest Magento events that will be taking place in Australia. The event starts tomorrow and will end on the 19th of November. Find out about the lineup for the event, presentations that will be offered and how/ why you should be following it.

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