Magento extension Analytics Importer by PowerMyAnalytic

MageCloud partnered with PowerMyAnalytic to offer Analytics Importer in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Analytics Importer allows stores to push phone sales, refunds and other data into Google Analytics.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Analytics Importer

Analytics Importer allows Stores to import into Google Analytics. Features include:
  • Import Offline sales from phone orders and point-of-sale
  • Report Refunds - both full and partial - to update sales data in Google Analytics
  • Enter the caller's Visitor ID from our "Easy Call Tracker - Visitor ID" product
  • Additional product and sales data to enhance Google Analytics reporting
Analytics Importer identifies when a new order is placed in Magento's back-end sales database that was not reported to Google Analytics and sends the order to Google Analytics so you can "balance the books" between your Magento store and Google Analytics reporting. Even when sales are cancelled, refunded, or partially refunded, you can send these updates to Google Analytics so revenue reported in GA matches revenue reported in Magento. This extension is free and our services include free trials. Start tracking sources of phone orders and push offline sales into Google Analytics today!