Magento extension Browse by Theme or by Genre in filter by maurisource

MageCloud partnered with maurisource to offer Browse by Theme or by Genre in filter in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Allow users to easily browse through your product categories with sub-category grid-view images.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Browse by Theme or by Genre in filter

Quick installation to allow your users to browse through your product categories, sub-categories and sub-sub-categories. This could either be from your core category, or just using a subset of categories. Ideal for browsing by theme or by genre. Features:
  • Define a main category to browse their Categories
  • Define subcategories with thumbnails (showing in Grid view 3 columns)
  • Display sub-subcategories within the subcategory section
  • Ideal for deep nested products which can be browsed clearly by their category thumbnail images
  • Contains class names so easy CSS editing
  • Great for SEO and customer experience on frontend.
  • Integrates with the default sidebar (filter)
Please use only if you understand what this product is about, we do not provide free extensive support on this product and this is to be used as is with no guarantee. Otherwise if you need us to integrate this for you: please open a ticket request through our Magento SUPPORT. It's open-source so you can easy extend this feature to meet your needs.