Magento extension Facebook Ads by Yahoo by Yahoo_CC

MageCloud partnered with Yahoo_CC to offer Facebook Ads by Yahoo in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Facebook Ads by Yahoo brings back your store’s previous visitors through targeted ad campaigns on Facebook™.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Facebook Ads by Yahoo

Facebook™ is the largest source of traffic for ecommerce sites from social channels. Facebook Ads by Yahoo helps you bring back your store’s previous visitors through targeted ad campaigns on Facebook™. Automatically refresh your campaigns to keep ads compelling, recover lost prospects, and see detailed reports about your return on investment.


  • Get access to Facebook™ advertising in minutes - When a user leaves your website without purchasing, and later visits Facebook™, we show them relevant ads to bring them back to your website.
  • Generate personalized, targeted ads in just a few clicks - We automatically create targeted and dynamic ads for your campaign using your own product images. View your ads exactly as they will appear before they run.
  • Automatically manage and optimize your campaigns - Our algorithm automatically refreshes ad content to make sure your campaign always stays fresh and relevant, engages new customers and maximizes sales. We also manage your bids automatically to maximize your return on investment.
  • Gain campaign insights through detailed and intuitive reports - Understand the performance of your campaign instantly through detailed and intuitive reports. You can review your ad performance over time, including clicks per ad, click through rates, and revenue generated by your campaign.


    This extension is free to download. Facebook Ads by Yahoo starts at $99 per month.