Magento extension Gigya - Customer Identity Management by shirly

MageCloud partnered with shirly to offer Gigya - Customer Identity Management in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Build customer relationships by turning unknown visitors into known and create a social shopping experience

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Gigya - Customer Identity Management

Gigya's Customer Identity Management Platform helps companies build better customer relationships by turning unknown visitors into known, loyal and engaged customers. With Gigya’s technology, businesses increase registrations and identify customers across devices, consolidate data into rich customer profiles, and provide better service, products and experiences by integrating data into marketing and service applications.

More than 700 of the world’s leading businesses such as Fox, Forbes, and Verizon rely on Gigya to build identity-driven relationships and to provide scalable, secure Customer Identity Management.

Learn more in the Gigya Extension installation and configuration guide.

Add the Following Features to Your Magento Powered Website:

Consumer Identity Management :
  • Social Login - Turn unknown visitors into known customers by allow users to quickly sign up to your Magento website using a preferred social network account. Choose from over 30 social networks and identity providers.
  • Registration-as-a-Service (RaaS) - Build, deploy and manage registration forms and profile management flows across your Magento website. For additional information and implementation options see Using Registration-as-a-Service with Magento.
Social Plugins (extension blocks):

Gigya's extension comes with a series of plugins (Magento blocks) that integrate your site with users' social networks and create a