inRiver PIM Extension

MageCloud partnered with inRiver to offer inRiver PIM Extension in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

inRiver always provides support for customers who have installed inRiver PIM Extension Magento module. Feel free to leave a review for the company and the extension so we can offer you better products and services in the future.

You may want to check other inRiver Magento extensions available at MageCloud and even get extensions from hundreds of other Magento developers using our marketplace.

Integrate inRiver PIM & Magento to keep your product information in sync

Compatible with Magento 1.x

inRiver PIM Extension

inRiver is a Magento Partner

inRiver ( is the leader in simplifying Product Information Management (PIM) by putting the power in the hands of the user, enabling omni-channel commerce professionals to visually manage product information. inRiver is fast to implement and easy to use, radically simplifying the creation, maintenance, and distribution of product information to multiple sales channels in multiple languages. 120+ customers around the world rely on inRiver’s platform as their engine for driving the PIM process for their globally recognized brands. inRiver is venture backed and growing rapidly. Our success lies in the simplicity of our solution, the scalability of the software, the speed of implementation providing results quickly, and the fact that our products are easy to use, highly visual, and user-driven.

inRiver simplifies Product Information Management (PIM). At inRiver, we believe that ”Every Product Tells a Story”. In today’s online retail and e-commerce economy, products must tell their story on their own. And the story must be right, every time, in every situation. We help our customers tell their own product stories - at all times, to everyone. These stories are told consistently, regardless of sales channel. With inRiver, you get excellent tools for letting your products tell their story. With the right tools for an optimal product marketing, you can tell that great story, and sell more