Magento extension OCT8NE by oct8ne

MageCloud partnered with oct8ne to offer OCT8NE in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

oct8ne always provides support for customers who have installed OCT8NE Magento module. Feel free to leave a review for the company and the extension so we can offer you better products and services in the future.

You may want to check other oct8ne Magento extensions available at MageCloud and even get extensions from hundreds of other Magento developers using our marketplace.

Agent-assisted search, proprietary co-viewing technology, & live chat to engage in personal selling & service.

Compatible with Magento 1.x


Delight your customers with an in-store experience online:

Oct8ne’s proprietary coviewing technology allows eCommerce companies to provide customers with a personalized in-store experience.  Agents and customers view and search for products together, creating opportunities for increased sales as agents upsell and cross-sell in real-time. Unlike traditional live chat services designed to provide customer service, oct8ne equips agents with tools to engage in personal selling while providing product expertise.  Post-visit sales intelligence and analytics allow companies to continuously optimize their sales process.

Features at a Glance

The Coviewer

Discover a richer and more profitable shopping experience with our exclusive technology. Agents and customers view products in real time together creating more sales opportunities. More.

Customer Insights

Know what your customers want even before the conversation begins by viewing their browsing and shopping history right at your fingertips. More.

Multichannel Communication

Use oct8ne with customers who call in, browse online, or email. There are multiple access points you can customize for your site. More.

Workflow Management

Boost agent productivity with time-saving features that are designed to drive sales. More.


Gain insight into how to fuel your sales with data you can’t get elsewhere. Track agent performance and More.

Training & Support

Get up and running