Magento extension Post Denmark PostHouse/Box locator from Vconnect by VConnectDK

MageCloud partnered with VConnectDK to offer Post Denmark PostHouse/Box locator from Vconnect in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

VConnectDK always provides support for customers who have installed Post Denmark PostHouse/Box locator from Vconnect Magento module. Feel free to leave a review for the company and the extension so we can offer you better products and services in the future.

You may want to check other VConnectDK Magento extensions available at MageCloud and even get extensions from hundreds of other Magento developers using our marketplace.

Make it easy for your customers to choose Post Danmark Posthouse/Box delivery.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Post Denmark PostHouse/Box locator from Vconnect

The VConnects PostHouse/Box locator allows your webshop clients to select where they want their order delivered.
The module inserts a shippingmethod (TableRate) in the Magento backend and shows a “Choose PostHouse/Box” in the frontend checkout process. When the user presses the button the nearest PostHouse/Box according to the users Postalcode will be shown.
When the client has selected the preferred PostHouse/Box the checkout process continues as normally. The chosen PostHouse/Box data are stored with the orderdata under ShippingAddress.

Danish Post Danmark Vælg-selv modul
Med VConnects Vælg-selv Modul får jeres kunder mulighed for at vælge, hvilket udleveringssted de ønsker deres varer leveret til, direkte fra jeres webshop. Vores teknikere integrerer modulet i jeres webshop, og vi sørger selvfølgelig også for, at alt er testet og fungerer som det skal.

Der indsættes en ”Vælg Udleveringssted” knap i webshoppens bestillingsproces. Når kunden trykker på knappen, vil de nærmeste udleveringssteder blive vist på et kort, baseret på kundens postnummer.

Når kunden har valgt det ønskede udleveringssted, fortsætter webshoppens normale bestillingsproces. Det valgte udleveringssted er tydeligt for kunden igennem resten af bestillingsprocessen.

Kundernes valg lagres i webshoppens database, og kan dermed bruges til yderligere integration med Pacsoft, og kan manuelt tilgås fra