Magento extension Priceupdate by Gaggle_Thread

MageCloud partnered with Gaggle_Thread to offer Priceupdate in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Extension for mass Update of price(increase or decrease).

Compatible with Magento 1.x


Mass Price Updater

This extension provides you functionality by which you can easily mass update of price.

This extension is specially for shops of goods which price always up's and down e.g. gold and silver. In this case shopkeeper needs to update price of all products.

Suppose that you want to increase all products price by 5% then there is no need to update price of each product one by one .Just install this extension and follow below steps: -Open your admin panel -Then go to Catalog->Manage Price -Select Category(selected category products price will be affected if you want to update all then select all) -Then select "Percentage" type -Enter price if you want to increase 5% then enter 5 or if you want to decrease 5% then enter 5. -Click on Apply price and price will be updated.


-Install the extension from magento connect -Flush cache of magento -Now extension is ready to use. -You can get it under menu Catalog->Manage Price
