Magento extension Shop By Brand by net_solutions

MageCloud partnered with net_solutions to offer Shop By Brand in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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Facilitates your customers in filtering their product search further according to their brand preferences.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Shop By Brand

By using Shop by Brand extension for Magento you can create brand/manufacturer list(s) making it easier for customers to refine their search further on these attributes. This extension enables you to create separate pages based on brand names and link them further to product pages, thus helping customers add another filter in their search.

The Shop by Brand extension is really helpful in earning customer loyalty of buyers who make purchasing decisions on brand value. All you have to do is mention general details about the manufacturer (name, industry, status) along with logo to help buyers identify their preferences easily and make hassle-free purchases, thus amplifying your sales.

Features for Customers

Sorting Products on Brand Preference

When products have been categorized according to brand names it adds another option for the buyers to sieve their search further; helping them find their pick easily. Buyers trust products associated with brands more than the unbranded ones.

Alphabetically Arranged Brand Names using Ajax

The brand names will be displayed in a bar as a drop down menu organized in alphabetical order of A to Z. This helps cognitively trained eyes to read and find their choice promptly.

Frontend Settings in the Navigation Bar and Footer

The brand menu will appear in the navigation bar with link to its respective page, while featured brands will appear in the footer in carousel format. This helps in