Sonassi SitemapChunk

MageCloud partnered with Sonassi to offer Sonassi SitemapChunk in your MageCloud panel for our simple 1-click installation option. To install this extension - create your account with MageCloud and launch a new Magento store. It takes only 3 minutes.

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A tool to extend core functionality to segment sitemaps into smaller chunks. Ideal for large catalogues.

Compatible with Magento 1.x

Sonassi SitemapChunk

This extension helps bypass the limit imposed on sitemap URLs by Google Webmaster Tools by creating multiple sitemaps in "chunks" of 40,000 maximum URLs.

Sitemap file names must be one of the following 3 when creating the initial sitemap:

  • category_sitemap.xml
  • cms_sitemap.xml
  • products_sitemap.xml


We reccomend deleting your existing sitemaps before starting, then creating the three as above. Generating a sitemap will create multiple "chunks" (or independant files) so that you do not exceed the maximum file size threshold or maximum URL threshold imposed in Google Webmaster Tools and other SEO management appliactions.