It's highly likely you’ve heard about such a term as influencer marketing. If not, I'll bet you any money, you've thought at least once about buying the same t-shirt the fashion blogger you follow wears or visit the cafe your favorite film star goes out to. 

Influencer marketing is deemed to be one of the most effective marketing methods and here is why: 

·  Influencers have established trust and loyalty.

·  Influencers advertise authentically.

·  Influencers can help you reach niche audiences. 

·  Influencers can generate quality leads for your business.

·  Influencers can boost your ROI. 

·  Influencers can improve your SEO ranking. 

So, what is influencer marketing? It's a marketing method, usually based on collaboration between brand and influencers. And the key word here is “Influencer.”  

And influencers it's not only about celebrities. The influencer can be anyone with a huge number of followers on the web and social media: a popular photographer on Instagram, or a well-read blogger from Tweeter, or a well-known marketing executive on LinkedIn. There are influential people in any industry and it's pretty easy to find them with their hundreds of thousands (or millions) of followers. 

But when we're talking about big brands, for sure they stake on celebrities. Who comes to your mind when you recollect Lays advertising?

That's why, in light of FIFA World Cup 2018, we would like to share a pretty interesting infographic, created by our friends at Talkwalker. It's comparing Ronaldo and Messi as champion influencers. You can check the Infographic below and read the full article here.

Originally published at 

Enjoy FIFA World Cup 2018!