Magento Extensions Made by LiveHelp


MageCloud partnered with LiveHelp to deliver their Magento extensions to all of our users with the help of our exclusive installation process. Install any Magento module by LiveHelp in 1-click from your MageCloud panel and get access to free Magento themes for your business.

LiveHelp provides full support for their extension. If you have any questions about extensions below - feel free to contact LiveHelp and their support team.

Please post reviews and comments about LiveHelp, its extension and support so we can deliver only the best Magento applications for our users.

Find more Magento extensions in our marketplace and get new functionality, components and even business ideas for your Magento store.

LiveHelp® is the online assistance service easy and flexible for your website. Website visitors can chat with an agent of your customer care service and get information about products and services in real time. Only one click to get in contact with a trusted reference. A new way of interacting between company and customer that allows direct, one2one communication connecting web-customer and operator. Livehelp® is an essential tool for companies that want to increase their customers' satisfaction with immediate answers and a more friendly standing. Operators can access directly from web from any location. No technical skills for setup and running are required: any customer-care agent or receptionist can provide support with LiveHelp®. No installation required for users or agents: chat session run in a separate room tab, through the Internet browser, as a SAAS "cloud" service. ------------------------------------------------------ITALIAN---------------------------------------------------------- LiveHelp® è il servizio di supporto online semplice e versatile per il tuo sito. Con un click gli utenti potranno mettersi in collegamento via CHAT con l'operatore del tuo call center, ottenere chiarimenti in tempo reale sui prodotti o servizi offerti e avere un punto di riferimento fidato. Un nuovo modo di interagire tra cliente e azienda che consente la comunicazione diretta, one-to-one tra navigatore e operatore aziendale. Uno strumento indispensabile per dare risposte immediate ai potenziali clienti, rendendo l'azienda più trasparente e aumentando la customer satisfaction con risparmi notevoli. Qualsiasi operatore dotato di pc può rendersi disponibile in ogni momento, anche da postazioni diverse. Non sono richieste particolari competenze tecniche: qualunque operatore di customer care o reception può fornire assistenza tramite LiveHelp®. Erogato in modalità “cloud”, non è richiesto il download di software né all'operatore né all'utente: la chat si attiva attraverso il browser internet in un'apposita finestra.

LiveHelp® Live Chat

Provide fast reliable chat to assist your customer. Cloud based no setup fees. Fully customizable ...
